The Travelling Copywriter
Why might you need a copywriter?
We can all write, and who knows you and your business better than you?
And that is the answer. When we write the copy for our websites, we write about ourselves, and not about how we can help our customers and clients. Even copywriters do. I’m dying to tell you all about me, but that is not why you are here. You are here to see how I can help your business do better with its copy, and why copywriting matters.
Before putting pen to paper, a copywriter will identify the target audience and establish what makes them tick, what their pain points might be, and how your product or service will help solve a problem that that audience suffers from.
Who will be helped by what.
When we have answered those questions, we can consider how.
We have to look at the language and tone of voice that will help persuade your customers. We have to satisfy them that you are the person that they have been looking for to help solve their problems and make their lives better.
If you can do that, the people who need your services or your goods will buy from your website. If you can’t, they will hit that back button and keep looking for someone else who can.
That is why you need a copywriter and why copywriting matters.
You can run your business, but can you write for it?

The Travelling Copywriter
How can I help you?
My copywriting services include:
- website copy
- content for blogs, articles, posts
- Email marketing
- White papers/internal communications
- Sales letters/fliers
- Press releases

How much does a copywriter cost?
The usual answer is “It depends.”
It could depend on how long the work takes, the number of words used, the success of the copy and a host of other factors.
Which is not too helpful if you want an idea of whether or not you can afford a copywriter or someone to write your content.
As a rough rule of thumb, my fees will be in the region of £35 plus VAT. I could adjust downwards or upwards depending on any of the factors mentioned above.
I have worked for under £10 per hour where I have particularly wanted the assignment and for over £100 per hour where the work was very urgent and meant working through the night.
Let’s talk and see if we are a good fit.
Your Copywriting Audit
Your existing copy might need just a little tweak here and there rather than extensive surgery or a complete rewrite. A slight change of emphasis may lead to more sales and better engagement.
It remains to be seen what effect global pandemics and national lockdowns are going to have on the business landscape. We are all moving our businesses increasingly online. Does your copy reflect that fact?
I offer a copywriting audit designed to inform you how your existing copy could be improved. That improvement could be by changing something, adding something, or even taking something away. Yes, some copy can be positively damaging to you and your business.
An audit provides you with a quick and cost effective way of assessing the goals of your copy and whether you are achieving them. I will give you practical suggestions for improvements that you can carry out for yourself.
I charge a flat fee of £50 for this service on the basis that I can offer some improvement, payable on completion of the report. If I cannot make an improvement, I do not charge.

Website Copy
The copy on your website is getting ever more important. As the world moves increasingly online, your website may well be one of the first points of contact your potential customer has with you. Whether that customer continues to read your site or clicks back to another site will depend on the quality of those first few sentences you say.
Your website is more than just an online business card or catalogue, it is an essential part of your business brand. I can help develop that brand message more effectively
Click here to see how I can help persuade your reader to become your customer
Content Marketing and Blogging
Can you afford not to have a blog on your website.
Blogs are good for SEO purposes, but there is not much point driving traffic to your website if the content is poor.
If the content is good, and follows a strategic plan, you have the opportunity to develop a great customer relationship.
Is your social media doing all that it could to develop that relationship and to drive sales? Good content delivered through the right channels to the right audience can be the difference between your business succeeding or not.
Find out more what your blog could be doing for your business by clicking here.

Email Marketing
If you think that email marketing is dead, that could be because you are looking at it from the wrong perspective.
If you would like to deepen your customer relationships through effective email communication, click here to find out more

Direct Marketing
I want your business.
Sometimes it pays to be direct, to the point. But we still need to look at the best way to persuade our potential customers to want to do business with us. That means analysing our potential customer base, establishing what will resonate with them and crafting the right message at the right time through the right channel.
I can help you get it right.