Better Website Copy For Your Business
What do you want your website to do for your business?
- Is it an online brochure for your goods and services? Or an online shop?
- Perhaps you would like it to be a lead generator, bringing in new business.
- Should it be an essential part of your online and offline business branding, clearly representing your core values to your readers?
Your website can fulfil all of these functions. It is important therefore for you to decide what you want your website to do so I can provide the website copy that will achieve those goals.
The success of a website might be judged upon the numbers of visitors it receives, or its ranking on Google. Many an SEO business will tempt you in with the promise of getting you onto the first page of Google, or even on to the top spot. False promises probably, but let’s say that they are are right, and you sit proudly on page one. Does that position benefit your business if you are not making sales as a result, if you copy is not converting?
Can your website be successful if the brand message on your website is different to that on your social media, or the tone of voice does not match your business persona in person?
Website Copy should have a purpose, a reason for being there. It should be consistent with the various touchpoints that your reader will come across you
What Can I Do For Your Website Copy?
Having established what your goals are, the next step is to look at who we are writing for? Who is your ideal customer?
I hate doing this exercise, but it is so important. The old saying of “if you try and please everyone, you end up pleasing no one” is so very true of copy for a website. It is an exercise that we will do together.
Once we know you are writing for, I will start to research how best to convince that person to become your customer, to want to trust you enough to buy from you. I will look at competitor websites and other business insights. I will read customer reviews and testimonials (both your own and those of your competitors.) I might question your staff and other relevant people.
I will get a real understanding of what your product or service is, what it does for your potential customer, how it makes your customer”s life better, how your customer will feel when they are enjoying the benefits of your service.
Then I start to write.
Sound like a lot of work? Is the project getting too expensive?
This is where my experience and expertise comes in. This research work is essential for effective website copy but I know how to complete it quickly and within budget.
This is why I say “You can run your business, but you can’t write for it.”